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Students must learn essential knowledge and skills to deliver an impressive English speech or presentation for academic purposes, job hunting, and business occasions. Global perspectives and inter-cultural communication skills are taught here to facilitate most Chinese English learners. 学习在学术交流、求职、海外留学与商务场景下进行英文演讲与演示所必备的知识与技能,强化中国学生的全球化视角与跨文化沟通技巧。
  • 张宏岩


  • tomato8965

  • jingpinmooc

  • wudan1992


第一章 学习策略 Learning Strategy
1.1 谁该学这门课
1.2 讲师自我介绍与课程范围
1.3 精通英语的四个要素
1.4 为什么世界语言是英语而不是汉语
1.5 说好英语内在环境胜过外在环境
1.6 英语演讲并不困难
1.7 英语演讲与演示的学习方法与课程流程

第二章 语音语调 Pronunciation and intonation
2.1 英语要比汉语好学得多 English easier than Chinese
2.2 中国学生英语口语的主要问题 Major issues in pronunciation
2.3 体会各国英语发音之间的差异 Appreciate different Englishes
2.4 英语音标中的元音 Vowels
2.5 英语音标中的辅音 Consonants
2.6 常错音的纠正 Frequently mispronounced
2.7 英音和美音的转换关键 Switching Between British Accent and American Accent
2.8 快速复习与单音发音作业1 Quick Review and Homework No.1
2.9 美语语调的培养 Putting on American Accent
作业: Homework No. 1: Voice Recording

第三章 中西文化差异与全球化视角Cultural Differences and Global Perspective
3.1 竞选巴黎高商学生会主席的演讲 Personal story: The speech that won presidency
3.2 案例演讲分析与总结 Case analysis and lessons drawn
3.3 中西文化的差异 Cultural differences between China and western world
3.4 个人故事"I only kiss the one I love" Personal story: “I only kiss the one I love”
3.5 全球化视角下英语演讲的4个建议 (1) Four suggestions for making speak with global perspective
3.6 全球化视角下英语演讲的4个建议 (2) Four suggestions for making speak with global perspective
3.7 全球化视角下英语演讲的4个建议 (3) Four suggestions for making speak with global perspective
3.8 演讲作业 Homework No.2
作业: Homework No. 2: Giving a Speech

第四章 演讲中的语言技能与非语言技Verbal and non-verbal skills
4.1 肢体语言概述 Non-verbal Language
4.2 TONE在演说中的重要性 Importance of Tone
4.3 身体移动与站姿 Body movement and Posture
4.4 手势 Gesture
4.5 视觉接触 Eye Contact
4.6 课后学习作业 After-class Learning Advice
4.7 演讲开头的方式 How to Start a Speech
4.8 演讲中的路标词汇 Signposts in Your Speech
4.9 演讲结尾的方式 How to Conclude a Speech1

第五章 积极词汇建设与图表描述Active vocabulary building
5.1 积极词汇量建设之避免性别歧视 Active vocabulary building
5.2 积极词汇量建设之使语言适度 Being Approperiate-1 Describing Frequency
5.3 常用图表的相关英文表达 How data is used in Speeches and Presentations
5.4 练习描述数据变化 Describing changes in data
5.5 练习描述数据变化 Describing changes in data
5.6 学习范例1:Khan如何使用图表 How did Khan use charts
5.7 学习范例2:Hans的倾情数据使用 portrait of use data
5.8 两个数据描述练习 Practice -describe the graph
5.9 各类英语考试对词汇的要求 Active vocabulary building
5.10 为演讲如何建设积极词汇量 How to Active vocabulary
5.11 下讲预告 Forecast

第六章 面试和自我介绍 Interviews & Self Introduction
6.1 英语在面试中的重要性及做为面试官的经历 The importance of English in the interview and As the interviewer's experience
6.2 面试中的四个重要部分 Four important part of the interview
6.3 面试官看重的一些要素 Elements of the interviewer valued
6.4 要点一:面试前的准备 Prepare before the interview
6.5 要点二:面试中的礼节 Interview etiquette
6.6 要点三:面试中的策略 Interview Strategies
6.7 要点四:自我介绍 Self-introduction
6.8 作业练习 Homework
作业: Homework No. 3: Giving a Speech

第七章 看看外教怎么说 Native expert’s view
7.1 介绍及邀请嘉宾Charles Oden
7.2 关于英语演讲的一些建议与问答
7.3 演讲的纲要与建议
7.4 怎样做一个好的演讲
7.5 考虑听众的需求与理解
7.6 演讲中的障碍与克服方法
7.7 演讲中的其他要素与演讲的准备与练习
7.8 对声音、场所和观众的把握
7.9 要注意的文化差异
7.10 总结与问答

第八章 课程总结及后续学习建议 Conclusion and advices
8.1 对课程的几点说明
8.2 优秀演讲的三个要点
8.3 中式幽默与美式幽默的比较
8.4 优秀英语演讲的另外两个要点与要点总结
8.5 关于演讲前准备的几点建议
8.6 关于后续学习的建议



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Dr. ZHANG Hongyan is a lecturer at Emerging Inter-disciplinary Group at School of Software& Microelectronics, Peking University, and is academically responsible for Postgraduate English teaching for both English majors and Non-English majors. He is also International Education Officer, responsible for planning and implementation of International Students’ program. His current research interests include: Intercultural Management & Communication, English for Specific Purposes, and Entrepreneurship in China. He serves as Chief Expert for National English Proficiency Test for IT Professionals (EPTIP), standing committee member of China ESP committee, and among expert committee of China Association of Trade in Services. Dr. ZHANG holds a Ph.D. in Education, Economy & Management from Peking University, an MBA from HEC Paris, and a B.A. in English for Science and Technology from Harbin Engineering University. He has published 7 best-selling English Vocabulary books, and chief edited two IT English Textbook series. He is also a team lead of a province/ministry level research project. In his 8 years of entrepreneurship experience, he accumulated substantial experience in cooperating with foreign partners, persuading investors, and running election campaigns. He was elected as President of MBA Students’ Association in HEC through a 5 minutes’ English speech in 2002. He has been involved in providing inter-cultural communication consulting services for top executives of state owned enterprises.